Every detail matters in public policy. We make sure every
single thing is done right, from the smallest specific
to the big picture.’
-Jennifer Crawford
Jennifer K. Crawford, Esq.

Senior Policy Advisor
Chief of Staff/General Counsel, MA Legislature Financial Services Committee
Property, casualty, life, and health insurance, and banking legislation
General Counsel of the Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Counsel to fmr-House Chairman Brian S. Dempsey, Committee on
Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy
Key drafter of The Green Communities Act and renewable energy, hydro, and solar net-metering provisions
Legislative assistant to Rep. Nick J. Rahall II (D-W.V.)
Certified to practice in Maine and Massachusetts
Bates College, UMass-Boston (Masters of Science), Suffolk University Law School.

Every detail matters in public policy. We make sure every
single thing is done right, from the smallest specific
to the big picture.
-Jennifer Crawford
Get in touch.
Mail: info@publicpolicylaw.com
Address: 1 State Street 15th Floor Boston, MA 02109
PHONE: 617.523.0600
Address: 1 State Street 15th Floor Boston, MA 02109
PHONE: 617.523.0600